Thank you for playing the games I designed, and thank you even more for piquing my interest in several more that are new to me! Would like to know more about Overthrow (I collect coup d'etat games, my first game design ca. 1991 was a game about a coup), and Chalice of Poison.

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Thank you, Brian, for designing these games! And I hope to get China's War on the table this year. Both Overthrow and Chalice of Poison were very evocative of the topic. Overthrow, while depicting a non-real city, built a story that I could easily connect to the elements of the events of January 1991 in Vilnius. Yet, I am sure, different plays could yield very different results. On the topic of the Iran-Iraq War, I don't know much, but the way the game model worked was very convincing in portraying regime's political and military decisions. I tried them both at CircleDC last year, I hope they're there this year as well.

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Nice overview and range. I'll be interested in seeing some of the developing games brought to light. Salute.

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Thanks, Jeff! I'm really looking forward to these releases. Quite a few of them would also work perfectly in class.

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